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The great five elements , planets & our life...

Updated: 1 day ago

The great five elements also known as panchmahabhut / panchtatva  are the most important aspect when it comes to our life.

The five elements we are talking about are space/aakash (ether), air , fire , water , earth.

Space/Aakash/ether was the primary element which was created from the vibration of the sound of the universe (OM) . When movement started in space, air was created, with movement started the friction and heat was genaerated which formed light and thereafter fire was created from this light . Fire dissolved certain elements from space and when it liquified Water was created. Water solidified to Earth.

Earth as a matter consist of all organic and inorganic bodies. By organic we are talking about vegetables, humans, animals etc and by inorganic we mean minerals.

Earth is the final element and it is formed by the combination of all the elements and hence all the five elements exist in us as well.

The five elements are connected to the planets.,our Ancient Rishis has done a lot of work on panchmahabhut and has conved that planets are connected with these five elements in the following way:

Jupiter rules over Space element (ether)

Saturn rules over Air element

Mars rules over Fire element

Venus rules over Water element

Mercury rules over Earth element

In our birth chart these planets will express what is the practical reality of our life. What is our strength and what is our weakness. These planets will give us a profound knowledge about which tatva (element) is more dominating in our life and which is the weakest.

The moment soul takes birth and get a physical body these five elements come into play and our success our failure our life path is all controlled by them. By understanding these five elements we can help ourself to grow further.

Life is all about creating a balance in these panchtatva / panchmahabhut

The sun has the secondary rulership of fire element and the moon has secondary rulership of water element.

For better understanding we can say Mars is fire and fire can be low or high when disbalanced but Sun controls the fire through its movement(transit) in northern and Southern hemisphere(uttrayan and dakshiayan)

In the same way moon controls water through its movement (low and high tides ) moon's movement (transit) can raise or depress water element .

Then comes Rahu(North node of moon) and and Ketu (South node of moon)

Rahu is connected with air element along with Saturn and Ketu is connected with fire element along with mars.

Rahu Ketu are shadow planets so they influence their respective elements in a very shadowy way.

During solar eclipse sun is under the influence of rahu (air) and ketu(fire) which affects our soul hence an imbalance is created sun( fire ) +ketu( fire) + rahu(air) air can tend to either blow out the fire element or blast the fire element within us thereby creating a lot of unrest at the soul level. That's why it is recommended not to go out during solar eclipse as fire element is in a too much disturbed form and our actions will be highly affected and we might land up in a trouble as our soul is restless.

During lunar eclipse moon(water) is under the influence of rahu (air) ketu( fire) , so water element is disturbed by air and fire element hence lots of emotional imbalance can be seen during eclipse.

Air when blowing in an uncontrolled manner brings about destruction but controlled air is necessary to survive.



Secondry planet



air (vayu)



fire (agni)


sun ,ketu




earth (prithvi)


To get a better understanding let's talk about air element . Air element is anti-element to fire and water element. Air can blow off fire and can even blast the fire. Similarily air can disturb water element as well by creating low or high pressure resulting in cyclones etc.But air is neutral for space and earth.

When we talk about fire it is anti towards water element and vice versa. Fire can heat up water and water can blowoff fire.

In all air, fire and water elements are the main elements that disturbs our complete life if any of them is in imbalanced form.

Air element : Saturn is related to our karma/profession & rahu ,is related with our desires in this life,

Fire element: Mars is related to our energy /physical body , sun is a representation of our soul and ketu is representing our past life .

Water element : Moon is our emotions(mind) ,Venus is our relationships and wealth.

hence it is very important to balance these elements to live a good life and grow spiritually as well.

Space element : Jupiter protects our life and give blessings.

Earth element : Mercury is related with our stability

Planets have connection with five elements and our body and life is under the influnce of them. By unserstanding which element is imbalanced we can put our concious efforts to improve the quality of our life.

Even ayurveda talks about vatta (air) pitta(fire) cough (water) dosH which again are related to tatava (elements)

What kind of behavipur we will have, what kind of success and failures we are prone to ,what kind of disease we are prone to is all a subject of concern to 9 planets and 5 elements.

This is not the end but just the beginning of journey in understanding "the great five elements"

We will soon take this journey further in our upcoming write ups, till then stay tuned.


Vimleshwari Singh

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